Local Primary School

Local Primary School

Smithton Earthmoving Solutions levelled and prepared the site for a new playground, sports ground and classrooms.

Our Work

Local Primary School was planning a significant expansion to accommodate its growing number of students. Their vision was to construct a new playground and sports field, as well as a new block of classrooms. They reached out to us to ensure the land was optimally prepared for these developments.

Our team began with an in-depth site assessment, checking the topography, soil quality, and any potential drainage issues. We wanted to ensure the ground was ready not only for construction but also for the long-term safety and enjoyment of the students.

Over the course of a week, our machinery and team worked diligently, moving earth and ensuring a level foundation for the proposed constructions. This step was crucial, especially for the playground and sports field, where an even surface would prevent potential accidents and ensure maximum utility.

With the school's location being prone to heavy rainfall during certain times of the year, it was essential to create an efficient drainage system. Our engineers designed and implemented an underground drainage solution, ensuring rainwater would be effectively redirected away from important areas, reducing flooding risks and maintaining the integrity of the grounds.

Recognizing the importance of safety in school environments, our operations were carefully timed during school holidays to avoid any disruptions. The result of our partnership with Local Primary School was a level, secure, and well-drained site, paving the way for the construction teams to begin their work. We were pleased to hear later that the new facilities were a hit with both the students and staff, making all our efforts incredibly rewarding.

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+1 (555) 123-4567
123 Main St, Smithton, NW Tasmania 12345