New House Build

New House Build

Smithton Earthmoving prepared a land block for a house: expertly removing soil, leveling the site, and installing a robust drainage system.

Our Work

Smithton Earthmoving Solutions recently undertook a significant residential project, preparing a new land block for a house construction. With their comprehensive suite of services, they began by meticulously removing unwanted soil, clearing the plot of any obstructions or excess material. Leveraging their expertise in levelling, they then ensured the site was uniformly graded, laying the groundwork for a sturdy foundation. Recognizing the importance of proper water flow in residential areas, Smithton's team implemented a robust drainage system, designed to channel away rainwater efficiently and prevent any potential water damage. The culmination of these steps — soil removal, levelling, and drainage installation — resulted in a site that was optimally prepared, ensuring a smooth construction phase and the long-term durability of the soon-to-be-built home.

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+1 (555) 123-4567
123 Main St, Smithton, NW Tasmania 12345